People Thought Ray & Bae Got Engaged This Weekend

Producer Raymundo has been dating his girlfriend Laura aka BAE for over 5 years now. This weekend they went out to celebrate five years together after Raymundo had actually gotten her number from one of his buddies. His friend matched with Laura on Tinder many years ago and when his friend left town, he asked to get Laura's number. Ever since then, the rest has been history.

While out celebrating their anniversary this weekend, Raymundo posted on his Instagram Story a picture of Laura at dinner with the caption as "Future Bride" with an arrow pointing to Laura. The post was meant to be innocent, just Raymundo saying that one day she will be his bride, but it confused many listeners including Amy. Everyone thought that Raymundo and Laura finally got engaged after all this time. Turns out they didn't, and Raymundo deleted the Instagram Story.

So to clear it up with our listeners, Raymundo and Laura aren't engaged... yet.

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