Amy's Husband Ben On The Show For First Time In Years

It's been over 10 years since Amy's Husband Ben was on The Bobby Bones Show. He stopped by around Christmas time of 2008 and things got a little twisted, so he didn't really want to come on again. But he happened to be by the show and said yes to coming on to talk with everyone.

During the beginning of the interview, Ben wasn't comfortable because he didn't feel like was part of the 'trust tree,' but as the interview went on we got to see some of Ben's personality shine through. Amy and Ben have been married for 12 years. In those years, Amy has always been a part of the radio show. Ben is 'an extremely private person' so for his marriage internal struggles to be shared on the radio for people to consume hasn't been one of his favorite things. He shared that he thinks he put a lot of boundaries on Amy and they would buttheads often at the beginning of their relationship and marriage. He said it's really difficult being on the spouse side, because you don't get to tell your side of the story.

As far as Amy's haircut though, Ben confessed that he really doesn't like her short hair. He wants it to be long again. He also confessed that he used to get really protective when he would hear Amy start screaming about something that happened, until he would realize she was just having a 'moment.' He said about her dramatic moments during her PMS or time of the month "I don't even get upset anymore. [...] with the amount of noise that came out of her, you would have thought she was being attacked by a cheetah."

Ben doesn't like being compared to actor Vin Diesel because he feels like he always disappoints people when they actually meet him. He also feels like being called 'Uncle Rico' by Amy is slam, he's just proud that his record of deadlifting 565 pounds in high school is still on the wall. He shared his favorite NFL team is the Dallas Cowboys with his favorite college team being the Texas Longhorns. His favorite country artists are Cory Morrow, Pat Green and George Strait, a heavily Texas influenced lineup.

The best quote that came out of Ben throughout the whole interview was one we can all agree with, "Are you married? This is marriage. You don't throw your wife under the bus in front of other people."

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