Amy's Family Sold Their House To Buyer Sight Unseen

Amy and her husband were planning to make a move in the coming years from the house they love in Nashville. They knew they needed to make a change for their kids' schooling, but decided to wait until later in 2020 or possibly 2021.

Turns out, someone had other plans for them. A buyer put in an offer on their house, despite it not even being on the market. Not only did the buyer make an offer with the house not even being on sale, the person hasn't even seen the inside of the house. This person's offer was also totally above what Amy and her husband would have put it on the market for. The catch is that they have to be out of their house by the end of May. If they aren't, they will just rent their house back each day until they find another home.

They had one day to make a decision after Amy told The Bobby Bones Show about it on Tuesday (May 5). So today (May 6), Amy came in and told us the huge update. They officially signed the contract for the person to buy their house. This means Amy and her family will be moving from their house at some point in the coming months. She told Bobby that this was definitely not how she expected her week to go.

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