Sneak Peek: Bobby Realizes The Intensity Of Welding When He Feels The Burn

Bobby Bones has spent the last several months filming for his first ever own TV show, BREAKING BOBBY BONES. The series premiere happened over Memorial Day weekend and now there will be two new episodes airing every Sunday night on National Geographic at 10/9 pm CT.

In each half-hour episode of BREAKING BOBBY BONES, Bones pursues his own mantra—Fight. Grind. Repeat.—by traveling to far-flung destinations across the country to find people with unique jobs, skills, hobbies and abilities. Upon arrival, he meets local everyday heroes who challenge him to conquer (or at least attempt) the tricks of their trades while exploring the triumphs and tragedies that made these heroes who they are today. Through their joint experiences, viewers come along for the ride learning what it’s like to become a tenacious stunt performer, kayak a river blindfolded and play para sled hockey. It’s an action-packed celebration of Americans who work hard, play hard and, above all, take pride in everything they do.

Bobby heads to Alabama and Seattle in this weekend's upcoming episodes. The first one in Alabama, Bobby meets Trey, a pipe welder who helps parolees get back on their feet and find careers in the welding industry. He challenges Bobby to complete a successful weld on a vacuum truck that’s vital to local emergency hurricane relief efforts. Then Bobby heads to Seattle where he meets Marena, an accomplished commercial diver. Like Bobby, she has overcome adversities and defied the odds to find success in her industry. This challenge pushes Bobby to his limits as he attempts to do heavy industrial construction … underwater.

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