Lunchbox Pretended To Be Morgan's Dad For Grocery Store Situation

Morgan admitted during The Bobby Bones Show yesterday (June 16) that she accidentally stole something and an idea came up to use that situation as a funny segment.

While she was grocery shopping, Morgan left the store with paper towels without scanning them. They were on the bottom part of her cart and she totally forgot about them until she put it together a few days later that she didn't think she ever paid for them. So after admitting the unintentional mistake on the show, she said she felt bad so much so that she needed to go back and pay for them, but wasn't sure how to handle it all.

That's when another segment idea came up. Lunchbox was to act like Morgan's dad and take her to the grocery store to return the paper towels. So they did exactly that. Lunchbox pretended to be Morgan's dad and they walked into the grocery store and talked to one of the employees. He told the employee that his daughter disappointed him and stole paper towels. That's when Morgan chimed in and said he was embarrassing her, and told the employee about her unintentionally walking out without paying for them. The employee said it was no big deal and had her go pay. Though Lunchbox added to the commentary by saying he probably needed to spank or ground his daughter for her bad actions. The employee kept laughing, but told him to let Morgan off easy on this one and not to do either one of those things.

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