Amy Shared an Update on Her Daughter’s Fish

Before the holidays, Amy's kids brought home a beta fish. It became the newest addition to Amy's family and the Bobby Bones Show guys even placed bets on how long it would stay alive.

The fish quickly became Amy's daughter Stachira's. She has it in her room and has the responsibility of feeding it and making sure the tank gets cleaned. After waiting for an update from her daughter, Amy found out that the fish is alive and well. Stachira noted they need to clean the tank soon though.

The guys are really invested into the fish's life because their money is on the line with the bet they all made. Bobby and Lunchbox already lost the bet. Lunchbox thought it would die by December 8th, and Bobby thought it would die by January 4th. So now Eddie and Raymundo are the two battling it out. Eddie thinks the fish will make it to at least December 7th and Raymundo thinks the fish will make it to at least December 6th.

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