Amy, Morgan, & Mike D Review Shania Twain’s Netflix Documentary

Shania Twain's new documentary Shania Twain: Not Just A Girl recently dropped on Netflix.

Morgan is a massive fan of Twain and she was one of the ones to watch the new piece. She shared that she felt empowered and loved seeing all of the archival footage of Twain. There were several video pieces in the documentary that she had never seen before, and it made her want to listen to Twain's music on repeat even more afterwards. Amy had similar feelings about the documentary, she felt very inspired and empowered. She loved seeing all of the trailblazing Twain did in her career, especially for women.

Movie Mike D felt it was a bit of a fluff piece because there weren't any big moments where Twain was shown in a "bad" light. Though he still gave the documentary 3.5/5 stars. Morgan and Amy mentioned that she does talk about her divorce to Mutt Lange and Lyme disease situation so it wasn't all the sparkly things. Though Morgan added she would have loved to hear more about Twain's siblings and what it was like raising them while pursuing her massive career.

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