Lunchbox Prank Called Listener’s Mom For Mother’s Day

Lunchbox asked on Instagram if anyone wanted to prank their mom for Mother’s Day and had a bunch of people slid into his DM’s wanting to do it, but he picked listener Stacy after she said her mom, Rosalyn, would be great!  

In the call, he said her daughter loved her so much that she submitted pictures of her for a contest looking for The Bobby Bones Show's hottest mom and listeners voted her as The Bobby Bones Show hottest mom! He also asked when a good time would be to do a bikini shoot for the hottest mom calendar that they will sell to inspire other hot moms. Rosalyn was confused but thought the call was funny, and at the end, he admitted it was a prank and her daughter wanted to just wish her a Happy Mother’s Day!  

Mother’s Day is this Sunday, May 14th!

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