Eddie Gifted Duck From Homeless Man

Eddie was in his jeep with the top down at a red light when a homeless man walked by and asked where his rubber duck was since he drives a jeep.

People who drive jeeps usually “duck” each other, which means they will exchange rubber ducks and display them on their dashboard. No one has ever given Eddie one, so the homeless man reached into his pocket and grabbed a rubber duck to put on his dashboard. He thought it was amazing that a homeless man gave him something. Morgan also drives a jeep and has about six ducks on her dashboard, and she did “duck” Eddie one time by leaving it on his door handle, but he thought it was a prank, so he threw it away.  

“Ducking,” means you like someone's jeep and sometimes they’ll leave a note with it too. Morgan gets left them all the time and they think it’s because she’s pretty. But the ducks get placed on the jeep when she’s not there and no one has ever left their name or number.  

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