Lunchbox and Eddie Argue Over Who Gets To Have Desk Decorations

Bobby Bones has some decorations on his desk, and Eddie is now trying to be like him by putting a cleat and glove on it. So, Lunchbox says he gets to have something on display... his old soccer cleat.

The reason Bones has stuff on his desk is ornamental and it has meaning, but Lunchbox argued that his cleat is also because he won his soccer championship in it. Eddie said he has the cleats on display on his desk because they are collectables, he got from visiting college football programs. Before the desk decorations get too out of control, Bones told Eddie and Lunchbox they need to clear their desk and not have anything on display. However, for this week only Lunchbox gets to have his cleat on display since Eddie has had things out for awhile now.

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