Lunchbox Got Very Special Email From CEO of iHeartRadio

Lunchbox got a note from the CEO of iHeartRadio inviting him to have drinks with him at his suite after the iHeartRadio Music Festival show Friday night.

He thinks it’s because he’s been listening to the Bobby Bones Show and wants to tell him what a great job he’s doing and possibly offer him his own show! The e-mail started with, “Dear Lunchbox,” but then he found out everyone on the show also got the same e-mail from the CEO addressing them. Lunchbox was disappointed it wasn’t just for him, but he plans to use it to his advantage and make connections.  

The 2023 iHeartRadio Music Festival is happening September 22nd and 23rd in Las Vegas at T-Mobile Arena. It will include performances by Foo FightersFall Out BoyKelly ClarksonKane BrownLil WayneLenny KravitzMiguelPublic EnemySheryl CrowTim McGrawThirty Seconds to Mars and more. You can watch each night of the festival only on Hulu at 10/9pm CT, 7pm PT.  

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