Amy Shares Co-Parent Win With Holiday Scheduling

Amy is offering encouragement to anyone who is in a co-parenting situation. It can be tricky because travel can change, but Amy and her ex-husband, Ben, have successfully set their holiday schedule! It’s their first holiday where they are figuring it out as co-parents but are happy with the outcome!  

They printed out calendars and set their dates for the holidays. Their kids were supposed to spend Thanksgiving with Ben, but a once in a lifetime trip with Amy’s sister and her family came up and they invited her with the kids, so he switched holidays, so they’ll be able to go. Now he’ll have them for Christmas. With the school schedule looking different because of the holidays, they won’t be able to do their normal schedule, but they mapped it all out and the months are still even, and the kids have equal time with each parent. It takes time, planning and effective communication but they are now set until January with no confusion!  

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