Bobby Debunks Several Myths About Famous Things We Learned

Bobby Bones debunked some famous myths that we’ve learned. Find out the truth below!  

  • If you swallow gum it stays in your body for 7 years – Swallowing gum won’t hurt you and it won’t stay in your body for a long time. It passes like everything else does.
  • Five second rule – Researchers found it’s not accurate. The longer dropped food stays on the surface the more germs it attracts. Regardless, food will instantly become contaminated as soon as it touches the floor.  
  • You can catch a cold if you’re outside and it’s cold - In reality, viruses cause people to catch colds, not a temperature.  
  • If you shave your hair, it grows back thicker - People think that shaving might also lead to the hair growing back at double, triple, quadruple the rate. According to Gillette, a razor cleanly cuts the hair, which results in blunt ends. Once the hair grows back, it might feel thicker because of that end, but it’s not thicker as it grows back, and it doesn’t grow back faster.  
  • Humans only use 10% of their brain – Not true. Humans use about 90% of their brains.  
  • Napoleon was really short – He stood at 5’7, but his height for back then was pretty standard. He was actually a little taller than the average man during his era. The misconception could stem from the variance in the French and British measurement systems, or the exaggerated tales told by his rivals. 
  • Raindrops are tear shaped – United States Geographical survey reports that raindrops are actually shaped more like a hamburger bun or a bean. When they get larger they can split into a teardrop shape but it’s very quickly and goes back to hamburger bun shape.  
  • Sir Isaac Newton discovered gravity when an apple fell on his head – He did start theorizing gravity after he saw an apple fall from a tree, but it didn’t land on his head.  
  • The Great Wall of China is the only man-made structure that can be seen from space – It is not visible from the moon and only from satellites.  

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