Lunchbox Doesn’t Want To Give Son’s Pre-K Teacher End of School Gift

It’s the end of the school year and Lunchbox’s son had his Pre-K graduation, and his wife thinks they need to get the teacher a gift. He doesn’t understand why because the teacher already gets paid and gets presents during Teacher Appreciation Week, so he wanted to know if it was necessary to give them an end of year gift.  

Bobby Bones explained that if you feel like they have put in the extra effort or gone the extra mile to help your child, it’s always nice to show your appreciation with a gift. But he also doesn’t think if you don’t get them a gift it will result in them treating your child differently next year. Lunchbox thinks the teacher has done a great job and even requested that his four-year-old have that same teacher next year. But he thinks gift culture is stupid, especially since the teachers are doing their job and getting paid. Eddie explained they get gifts for their younger kid's teachers because they are with them all day, compared to his son’s High School teachers who only have him for one class, so they don’t feel it’s necessary to get them a gift.  

Listener Brett called into The Bobby Bones Show to share his opinion on the matter and said teachers go the extra mile every day and do way more than they are compensated for, so giving them a gift at the end of the year is a nice sign of appreciation. Listener Mandy is a pre-school teacher and shared that she agrees the teachers should get a gift because they put their heart and soul into teaching the kids and have to purchase a lot of school supplies on their own that the school does not supply to make sure their class is prepared.  

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