Lunchbox Thinks He Knows What Morgan’s Man In Uniform Does

Morgan has a boyfriend they refer to as “the man in uniform” on the show. She’s been vague about what he does and where he works, but Lunchbox thinks he’s figured it out.  

Lunchbox shared that he thinks her boyfriend works at Raising Canes because she lined up a food drop-off from them and was very adamant about it and made sure to inform everyone they were coming. He thinks it’s because she was excited to show him where she works and for him to see him doing his job. He also thought she wanted him to bring the food so she could promote his business and show him off. Lunchbox did not see who brought the food because he was recording a podcast at the time.  

Eddie revealed he saw the people who dropped the food, and it was three girls. Morgan confirmed that he does not work at Raising Canes and was adamant about them dropping food off because it does not happen often and its great food!  

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