Show Members Make Their Pick for Underrated Foods

Bobby Bones posed a question for listeners on his X account.

He asked everyone to share their pick for most underrated food. Responses flooded in with a variety of picks: bean dip, pinto beans and cornbread, spam, cookie cake, a basic grilled cheese, gas station chicken cheese crispito, green bean casserole, chocolate gravy, BLT, MdDonald's filet o' fish, and peanut butter on saltines. Just to name a few.

Bones also posed the question to the Bobby Bones Show and it stirred up some controversy. Here are the show's picks:

The show gave Amy a hard time for her pick because they think sour cream is mostly considered a condiment rather than a food. Then Eddie was given a hard time because his pick wasn't underrated, and he tried to claim corn as an entire food group rather than just corn itself.

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