Amy Got Invited to Neighborhood Election Day Party

Amy recently moved to a new home and she's been wanting to meet her neighbors. She got her wish when an invite showed up at her house.

With today being Election Day, her neighbor decided to host a neighborhood Election Day party. Amy's never been invited to this type of party, so she's not sure how it would work. She also doesn't know any of her neighbors so she's unfamiliar with who they are going to be cheering on to win and if they expect her to also cheer on the same candidate. She noted it could be a party that has house rules where they just watch the election without talking about their votes or which particular candidate they want to win.

Bobby said he thinks it could be a bad idea, but attending for the first few minutes to meet everyone could work. If she only attends at the beginning, she can meet everyone without being there for any awkwardness throughout the evening.

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