A young boy named Alex was experiencing lots of pain that had his parents take him to 17 different doctors in search of a diagnosis. However, all of the doctors didn't have answers that solved all of his symptoms. Desperate for answers, Alex's mom Courtney plugged all of his symptoms and even his MRI results into ChatGPT where finally the family found a correct diagnosis for their son.
While ChatGPT may not work correctly for everyone, it does have accuracy especially in an example like Alex's. This story prompted Bobby Bones to use ChatGPT for his own chronic stomach issues. He's had stomach issues his whole life and had to get his spleen removed when he was young after an accident falling off a roof. The surgery resulted in a scar tissue that goes from his sternum to his belt line. On top of that, every time Bones eats his stomach protrudes, making him feel like he eats Thanksgiving dinner for every meal of every day. So he typed in every detail of his issues to ChatGPT and got some interesting results.
ChatGPT thinks he may need surgery. The first diagnoses is that he has internal scar tissue adhesions that could be restricting his digestion and motility and will need to have a laparoscopic lysis of adhesions done which is a minimally invasive surgery where the surgeon cuts and removes adhesions to free up the organs and improve digestion. The other diagnoses is that Bones needs an abdominal wall reconstruction resulting in a hospital stay of 1 to 3 days and recovery time of 2 weeks with limited activity.
When Amy asked if Bones is going to call up a doctor and ask for one of these procedures, he said it was unlikely because it all sounds like a lot. He does think the doctors would take the ChatGPT diagnoses more seriously than Google given some of them have started using it for their own purposes.