Morgan is rocking her red light blocker sunglasses in studio this week after experiencing another vertigo episode.
Last year around this same time, Morgan got vertigo for the first time. For those unfamiliar with vertigo, the person experiencing it feels like they're on a tilt-a-whirl and their equilibrium is gone. Morgan shared she was unable to leave her bed for 48 hours when it first happened without falling over or throwing up. Unfortunately, she's not sure what brought on this episode because it happened at 3am when she rolled over in her sleep. Her physical therapist Holly who specializes in vestibular told her it can happen at any time.
One of the ways an episode often occurs is after the person has a virus like a cold or flu, but Morgan wasn't sick when her episode came on. She can only recall turning over in bed and then the world went spinning. Her physical therapist had to perform several maneuvers on her to get the crystals that cause vertigo back into alignment, but it's still in progress. Morgan does believe that her not having her smell and dealing with long COVID has played a role in her getting vertigo since she never had vertigo prior to COVID, there just isn't enough medical studies done to confidently say they are connected.
So she's wearing red light glasses in studio this week, also known as Theraspecs, because it helps protect her eyes from being overstimulated by the lights while the vertigo is still active. The show expressed some concern over her driving to the studio because she isn't able to move her head around much, but Morgan said she's at about 80% currently and feels comfortable driving. She added that she could move her head if she really needed to, but is hesitant in doing so in fear the whole world will go spinning again, she feels like she's teaching her "body to body again" after this episode.