The Bobby Bones Show was discussing a study done by Method about the household issues couples living together fight about the most.
The study came to the conclusion that these 9 things cause the most fights in households across the country. Here is the complete list in order, with the most fights about a particular topic coming in at number 1.
- Leaving lights on around the house
- The home temperature
- Leaving the toilet seat up
- Not doing the dishes
- Starting, but not completing the housework
- Whose turn it is to clean the floor
- Not squeegeeing the shower door
- Leaving dirty clothes on the floor
- Not making the bed
When it comes to the show members, some of these common fights also exist in their homes with their partners. Lunchbox says most of his fights with his wife start over who is going to do the dishes or the laundry, and they often have stalemates where neither one of them does it. When they first got married, Lunchbox would put his dirty clothes in the bathtub and he still does it to this day. Lunchbox thinks he finally "wore his wife down" on that one and now she doesn't fight him on the bathtub turning into a hamper. For Eddie, he says the temperature of their house is often a fight because he loves it being warm while she wants things a bit cooler. They also fight over his alarm going off super early and whenever Eddie leaves the TV on or lights on.
For Bobby, he admits that he and his wife used to disagree about the temperature but now his wife loves it being cool so that argument has ended. Now most of their arguments are dog related like who is taking them outside, feeding them, etc. He also admitted that he will leave his towels places and that's been a frustration for her. Mike D is also known for making messes in the kitchen and not cleaning them up, his wife isn't a fan of that. Mike D also shared he forgets to restock things and that's frustrating for his wife.