Amy Spent the Weekend Away With Ex-husband & Kids to Help Their Family

Amy and her ex-husband spent the weekend away with their kids to help with their co-parenting and help their kids continue to grow in the best ways possible.

She admitted it went as great as it could possibly go. Amy actually expected that her and her ex-husband would get into a few tiffs because they've had some moments like that recently, but they got along so well. It was a reminder for her that it's possible to co-parent in a healthy way and there's always healing that can take place. She added that if she requested her ex-husband to do something like this weekend 6 months ago, he wouldn't have said yes. The guys wanted to know if this means she's getting back together with her ex-husband, and she said no, this weekend was not about that.

They didn't have any technology for the entire weekend, no TV, no phones... nothing. They spent the weekend having big talks and going over things along with some meditations. When they left the weekend, Amy asked her kids if they thought it was worth it and they both said yes.

Amy was really happy because her daughter had a big breakthrough. When they first brought the kids home, her daughter had said "nobody's the boss of me." So they've been using that language ever since trying to help her understand that they are her parents and they are in charge of things. But while away for the weekend, her daughter was finally able to share that she doesn't remember saying that and she would like them to stop using it against her. Since she's shed that and doesn't remember it, it was a reminder to Amy and her ex-husband that they also need to let it go.

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