The Last Round of Submissions for Our Bobby Bones Show Theme Song

The Bobby Bones Show put out a challenge for someone to write the show a 30-second theme song that we could use every day. If anyone nails it and we decide to use it, Bones shared that he would pay the winner $500. The show received 5 submissions the first week, 7 submissions the following week, 4 more submissions last week, and now the final 3 submissions this week.

The three songs we shared today (March 7) are the final submissions into the BBS Theme Song contest. One submission came from Angie K who shared that her and her buddy Chris wrote the song and that she has been listening to the Bobby Bones Show since it started. Another submission came from a duo that call themselves R&D. The third submission came from Katie K who shared with her submission "I'm not fancy, so it'd probably need to be sung by Abby or Lunchbox," and noted she wanted her song to make all of us smile.

After listening to the final 3 submissions, the show decided to move Angie K and R&D's versions into the finals. The Bobby Bones Show theme song submissions that are now in the finals are:

  • Creigh Riepe
  • Greg McCarthy
  • Austin Smith
  • Kevin Smith
  • Angie K
  • R&D

With 6 songs in the finals, the show is now doing a tournament of voting to see who wins. Stay tuned for details!

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