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Amy Debates Becoming Classroom Volunteer For Her Kids

Amy School

After a long experience of getting their kids into a new school, Amy and her husband finally found a school that would work for her kids after leaving their English As A Second Language school.

The kids have been in school for a couple of days now, and recently her son Stevenson came home with his school work with a note attached. The note attached was asking parents for them to volunteer as 'classroom parents.' Amy saw it and didn't know what to do, because she's never really seen herself as the 'classroom mom' type. She confessed that she was feeling a lot of mom guilt because she was considering not doing it. She asked listeners for advice on how to handle the situation and what she should do.

Bobby Bones gave her the advice to take a step back. He told her to not have any mom guilt, but take some time. He said her kids have only been at the school for a few days and it's not necessary for Amy to jump in right away.