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Listener Calls Out Eddie on Promise He Made Earlier This Year

A listener called into The Bobby Bones Show today (November 19) to call out Eddie for something he promised earlier this year.

In March of this year, Eddie signed a contract that held him accountable for something he claimed he wanted to do. Listeners of the show recall he wanted to be a kidney donor, and then he said he wanted to be a bone marrow donor. Well, the show got tired of him saying he wanted to do things without any follow through so they made him sign a contract. That contract says within the year he will go get tested to become a bone marrow donor.

However, when the listener called in today, Eddie admitted he hasn't done anything about this promise. Bobby said if he doesn't pay up his end of this contract there will be a big punishment waiting for him.

Eddie has until the end of this year to complete his end of the contract.