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Morgan Shares The Numbers From Her 10 Dates in December

Morgan has been single for about a year now and has been trying to put herself out there by going on more dates. In December, she went on 10 first dates and created a PowerPoint Presentation to share her dates by the numbers, looking at things from an analytic perspective.

  • “Party Rockers” - 3 out 10 dates just wanted to party the whole time and were there just to have a good time.  
  • “Smooth Talkers” - 5 out of 10 dates she had great conversation and topics to bring to the table.  
  • “Crying Out of Awkwardness” - 1 out of 10 dates was so bad and awkward she almost started crying in the bathroom from it.  
  • “Cringe” - 1 out of 10 dates she had a near miss of her worlds colliding. She went on two different dates with two different people but at the same restaurant only a day apart and had the same server. The server remembered her but didn’t say anything thankfully!  
  • “Hometown Hero” - 1 out of 10 dates happened in her hometown in Wichita, Kansas. She met a guy on a dating app while she was home, and they had a good date. They might go on another one when he comes to Nashville soon.  
  • “City of Dreams” - 9 out of the 10 dates were in Nashville, TN.  
  • “So, I Can Kiss You Anytime I Want” - which is a reference to her favorite movie, Sweet Home Alabama. 3 out of the 10 dates went in for a kiss on the first date.  
  • “Same Day Sally” - 0 out of the 10 dates were on the same day.  
  • “Missed Opportunity” - 2 out of 10 dates eared a second date.  
  • “Check Please” - 10 out of 10 dates paid for the first date and at 10 out of 10 dates she pretended to reach for her wallet.