The Bobby Bones Show is continuing their movie club with their latest review! Everyone submitted their movie suggestions and Bobby Bones draws one randomly out and whichever one is picked; they have a week to watch it and review.
So far, they have watched and reviewed Rope, The Stuff, Shotgun Wedding and Showgirls.
This time, Bones movie suggestion for Man on the Moon was picked. It’s his favorite movie of all time. It stars Jim Carrey who played Andy Kaufman, who has really inspired Bones throughout his life. Find out what everyone on the show thought about it below!
- Amy – She was very interested in this movie and Kaufman’s life, so much that she started looking up more info on him after. Rated it 4.5/5.
- Eddie – He's already seen it five times and has always loved it. The more he watches it, the more he thinks Kaufman is still alive. Rated it 5/5 Great Gatsby's.
- Lunchbox – He didn’t like how the credits were in the beginning, and how quickly he got a following and became famous. He wanted some more back story but did think it was interesting. Rated it 4/5.
- Morgan – She understood why it’s Bones favorite movie because there is a lot of dark humor. It didn’t pick up for her until the second half, but then it was too sad. Rated it 3.5/5 conspiracy theories.
- Raymundo - He saw Bobby throughout the whole movie, but didn't find it very interesting. Rated it 2/5 Tony Cliftons.