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AMY'S BLOG: What Is #PimpinJoy

If you’ve ever wondered: “What is #PIMPINJOY? Where did it come from? Why support it?” Then this blog post is for you!


#PIMPINJOY is a movement, a celebration dedicated to people who may be going through a rough time but they choose to find and spread joy in their daily lives. 

The movement started with my mom, Judy, and the positive attitude she modeled so beautifully as she battled cancer. We lost my mom in October of 2014 but her legacy lives on through #PIMPINJOY. I find so much comfort knowing that something as terrible as cancer was used for good and will continue to do so.

Where did the name come from?

A lot of listeners were following my mom’s cancer journey, so one day when we were bored in the hospital waiting room, we decided to create a Twitter account for her as an easy way to keep listeners updated. 

Since my mom’s motto during her cancer journey was “choose joy” she wanted “@JoyfulJudy” as her handle. But that was taken, along with various other combos of “Judy” + “joy.” After a few minutes of searching handles, I jokingly typed in “@JudyBePimpinJoy” to see if it was available and it was so we went with it!!

From there, the hashtag #pimpinjoy was born as a way for our listeners to share how they are choosing and spreading joy on social media. We have amazing listeners and we love hearing how they are spreading joy because of #PIMPINJOY.

Why support it…buy it…wear it…?

When you purchase anything #PIMPINJOY all proceeds go toward whatever cause we are helping at the time. We hope that wearing your #PIMPINJOY gear will remind you and encourage you to choose and spread joy.

With the help of The Shop Forward here are some of the causes we’ve been able to support through #PIMPINJOY: Jeremiah Program, Refuge Ranch, St. Jude, 50 Legs, Special Operations Warrior Foundation, Austin Pets Alive and many more! 

Most recently, our camo shirts (on sale tomorrow!) will go toward helping build wounded Air Force Captain Nathan Nelson a house equipped to his needs. A rocket in Afghanistan hit his camp and he suffered severe injuries. He has a wife and a daughter and they couldn’t be more deserving. 

And fact: #PIMPINJOY even has a theme song!

My mom never thought she’d ever have her own music video…but Walker Hayes  wrote a song about her called “Joy Like Judy” so naturally we had to make a video. I’m so glad that we did this because it's something to show my kids so they’ll know how awesome their grandma was and they can learn her signature dance move!