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TMSG: Bus Driver Holds Hand Of Scared Boy On First Day Of School

Amy Johnson's 4-year-old son Axel headed to preschool in Wisconsin and was so excited.

That was until it was time to hop on the bus to head there. Johnson said as soon as the bus showed up, Axel fell silent before bursting into tears when the bus doors opened.

Johnson picked up her son and got him on the bus, but he was clinging to his mom. Fortunately for little Axel, bus driver Isabel "Izzy" Lane knew exactly how to help.

Axel was played in the seat directly behind Lane and as she kept hearing him cry, Lane reached to offer a comforting hand for the boy to hold. Johnson caught the sweet gesture on camera, which is making it's way around the Internet in a now viral post.

"In our 2nd “official” year in the school, we really need to shout out our school staff. This is one of our wonderful bus drivers, Miss Lane, holding the hand of a scared little one on his first day of school! The compassion we see every day in our teachers, bus drivers, custodians, administration, food service staff, and paraprofessionals is truly admirable. We are so fortunate to be able to partner with these people!"

Johnson said that she is glad her son was able to face his fears head-on and that people like Lane are looking out for others in their community.