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Bobby Finds Out If Text Message He Received Came From Catfisher

Catfishing is unfortunately a regular term in today's dating culture, so much so that a whole TV show was created because of it. Bobby Bones has fallen victim to the scheme of catfishing in previous years when he thought he was talking to model, but as it turns out, the person was actually an older male.

Bones is very aware of things since that incident so when he got a text from a random number his guard was seriously up. He posted a whole video on the text message that came through when he was about to go onstage for his comedy show. On The Bobby Bones Show, Bones talked about the entire text message thread including what he said and how he responded to the other person's messages. He even received photos from the other individual on the phone.

The whole time, Bones thought it was a catfish situation, but he wasn't sure if he was being too skeptical. After co-hosts Amy and Lunchbox took a look, Amy agreed it was a catfish and Lunchbox thought it was real. Mike D dug into the photos and phone number through research online and found that it definitely was a catfish.

Mike D said that the photo showed up online a few times, but specifically, the phone number had been flagged 26 times for inappropriate activity or spam.