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TMSG: Flightless Pigeon Befriends Puppy That Can't Walk In Viral Photos

New York State animal rescue group called the Mia Foundation found themselves in the middle of viral content after two of their rescue animals became unlikely friends.

Sue Rogers, the nonprofit animal rescue group's founder, took in Herman the pigeon a little over a year ago when he was found unable to move in a car dealership parking lot. Other rescue groups told Rogers that Herman's ability to fly could not be restored so he would be euthanized. Instead of letting that happen, Rogers decided to keep him in her own care.

Herman went viral recently when Rogers shared photos and videos of Herman bonding with the rescue group's latest arrival, a chihuahua puppy named Little Lundy. Lundy is unable to walk due to problems with his hind legs. Rogers placed Herman near Lundy so she could keep an eye on both of them, and the two animals surprised her when they immediately snuggled up.

The adorable photos she posted led to an influx of donations to her organization totaling more than $6,000.