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Lunchbox Prank Called Taxidermist About Getting His Granny Stuffed

Once a rejected segment, Lunchbox prank called a Taxidermist and we decided to play it on The Bobby Bones Show today. He called the Taxidermist and acted really sad about losing someone, but the Taxidermist thought the whole time Lunchbox was talking about an animal.

It wasn't until the end of the call that Lunchbox finally said he was trying to get his "Granny" stuffed. The man on the other end was obviously very triggered by the situation, as he started off by telling Lunchbox that's illegal. Then he continued on by telling Lunchbox “Get a good grasp of this... I’m not gonna stuff your (expletive) grandma." Obviously Lunchbox was joking and the point of the call was a prank and he doesn't actually want to stuff his grandmother.