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TMSG: Good Samaritans Stop Attempted Kidnapping Of Baby In Stroller

Captured on a surveillance video, two good Samaritans stopped an attempted kidnapping.

In the video, a woman is seen running towards two women pushing a stroller. She got between the women and the stroller, and continued chasing them. That's when good Samaritan and store owner Ashraf Ali saw the incident go down and ran out of his store to protect the baby. He recalls the woman kept trying to get the stroller from him and he thought she was going to hit him.

Moments later, another good Samaritan came from across the street to help Ali stop the woman and call 911. The suspect is in sheriff's custody, and the baby is safe with her family. Ali doesn't consider himself a hero, he told CBS 13, "I’m not saying I’m the hero, I tried my best this is like, we are human you know we have to save everyone if you see something wrong at least you have to try."

Photo: Getty Images