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TMSG: High Schoolers Hang Christmas Decorations for Woman in Hospice

77-year-old Nancy Mattern has been having a tough time since being diagnosed with COVID. She told KGUN, "It affected my heart and my lungs to be able to do the little things now is really hard."

Her favorite holiday is Christmas, however her health issues made it difficult to put up Christmas decorations this year. She has an entire collection of decorations filling up her garage and thanks to a team of students from the University High School Dreamcatchers Club, they got to be put on display for Mattern and all to enjoy.

The students helped Mattern put the decorations all over her house while playing music and giving her the entire Christmas experience. Mattern was touched, "It's what Christmas is about, it's about giving. And to be able to have my Christmas decorations up is something I thought was over and done with, but these kids, with their big hearts, are making it happen."

Photo: Getty Images