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Eddie’s 7-Year-Old Son Dealing With Bullying at Basketball Games

Eddie's son has been dealing with some mean kids during his basketball games recently.

His 7-year-old son just joined a new basketball team, and Eddie shared that he's little for his age. All of the dads were overseeing the practice, including Eddie who heard two kids laughing at his son. The two boys were laughing at Eddie's son for being short and they were commenting that he won't be able to make any baskets. Eddie saw that his son heard all of the comments and laughs happening and he was feeling really down on himself. So Eddie went over to the two boys and told them "I don't care who your teammate is, you should have each other's backs." He then also added, "I guarantee he will school both of you guys."

Everyone on The Bobby Bones Show said Eddie had the right intentions, but he shouldn't have added the "schooling" part about his son. Bobby thinks it probably created a competitive element between Eddie's son and the two kids that definitely didn't need to be there.