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Bobby Meets Listeners on Their First Date at His Comedy Show

Months ago, a listener called into The Bobby Bones Show to share some details about a first date she was going on.

The listener is from Arizona and she was coming to Nashville for Bones' Comedically Inspirational show. But it was going to be even more special than that. She was meeting another guy from Arizona in Nashville for the show to go on their first date. She told us that he travels a lot for work and that was the only way they were going to be able to go on a date. The show was skeptical, thinking that he was likely married and couldn't go on a date in the state to keep his cover. However, then the guy called into the show to confirm he wasn't married and he really does travel all of the time for work.

Bones first set of Comedically Inspirational shows happened and he met them. They came backstage to talk to Bones, he wanted to be sure the girl was safe and everything was going well. They both said the date was going great and she confirmed she was not in danger. Watch the video of Bones meeting them above!

Purchase tickets to Bones next two Comedically Inspirational shows here.