Lunchbox ordered a sandwich online and when he went to pick it up at the business some chaos ensued.
He asked the workers for his online orders who couldn't find his sandwich. That's when another guest piped in angry that they were giving Lunchbox attention, but not her. Though it wasn't a kind way of asking for some help, she was very angry at the entire situation. He started rolling on audio because things turn a wild turn.
The customer got super heated and ended up in an all out yelling match with one of the employees. It went on for a total of 7 minutes. The argument ends with the customer yelling "Before I have you get shot up in here" and then walking out of the business. Meanwhile, Lunchbox decided to leave the business without getting the sandwich he paid for, because he didn't want to stick around to see if the customer came back. When he got to his car, he called the cops to let them know someone threatened to shoot up the store.