Amy shared that she found out a man followed her son Stevenson when he was riding his bike to Jiu Jitsu and is not sure how to feel about it.
Stevenson likes to ride his bike to Jiu Jitsu and she makes sure to stay on the phone with him the whole time, plus he has a GPS tracker on his watch that they watch him on to make sure he gets there and back safely. The Jiu Jitsu place called Amy after he arrived to let her know a man came in to tell them he followed him there to make sure he was okay. Amy’s not sure what this man's intentions were because Stevenson is old enough to ride his bike there, but now Amy thinks that happened because they think she might be a bad parent, or he was showing how easy it is to be followed.
Bobby thinks it’s an odd thing to say but that his intentions were pure, and the guy probably thought Stevenson was younger than he was. He agrees that the GPS watch is good to have, and that Amy shouldn’t worry about it anymore and instead be happy people are watching out for her son.