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Raymundo Gives Update On Free Cabin Stay

Raymundo and his wife were presented with an offer from a company saying they could stay in a cabin in East Tennessee for three days completely free, as long as they post a video on TikTok of them walking around the cabin, something simple just to showcase it. 

Raymundo said the cabin looks like an igloo in the woods, and it has a see-through roof so you can see the stars at night. He saw videos from other people who have done it and said it looks legit. The only thing he’s worried about is the WiFi is weak there, so he won’t have a good connection to the outside world.  

After much thought, Raymundo shared that he and his wife are going to do it! He has already dropped a pin of the location to his friend just in case something happens. Amy and Eddie said him going makes them nervous. Lunchbox thinks it’s a smart idea since it’s free! Raymundo is going in about a week and a half, and does want the show to check the East Tennessee news to make sure he comes back alive.