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Abby Shares Update On Her Missed Connection From Shared Uber

Last week Abby shared a story about how she got into a shared Uber ride with a man she thought was good looking. They started flirting and he invited her to a toga party on Instagram, but she never received the invite and didn’t hear from him. She said it was a misconnection and really wanted to find him. She provided some details about him, and a listener was able to find his profile. 

It was private so she couldn’t see his pictures, but she could tell by his profile picture it was him. She hasn’t messaged him and is worried he heard her talk about him on the show and now thinks it’s weird. She did a little digging and think’s he is about 10 years younger than her when she originally thought he was closer to her age.  

Bobby Bones wrote him a poem that Abby needs to message him on Instagram. It started by saying he hoped the message found him well and recalled how they met in the back of a shared Uber ride. At the end, she asks him out on a date. She likes the message but think it’s a little aggressive.  

Abby sent the message and is now waiting to see what happens.