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The Show Tries Eddie’s New Smokin’ Chicken Business

Eddie has started his Producer Eddie’s Smokin’ Chicken business where he smokes chicken for four hours and sells it for $20.

He brought one in for members of the show to try and judge for themselves if they like it. He claims it will be the best smoked chicken you’ll ever try and hopes to sell it every week to his friends. He cut a piece for everyone to try, and they all thought it was really good and worth the hype. Amy wasn’t sure she’d spend $20 on it. Lunchbox said $20 is too much to charge, but he would do a celebrity endorsement for him. Raymundo thought he should charge more for it. Scuba Steve said it was the best chicken he ever had, and he would spend the money on it. Bobby Bones said it was one of the best things Eddie has ever done.