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There’s Some Car Wars Happening With the Bobby Bones Show

There is a car war happening between some of the members on The Bobby Bones Show.

Mike D has had his car for 11 years and is thinking about getting a new one, and both Lunchbox and Eddie are trying to buy it from him.  

He’s selling his car because it’s starting to have some issues and is leaking, and he rather just buy a new one than continue to put more money into it. Lunchbox wants to buy it from him because his 2005 Altima has finally died. Eddie is also looking to buy a car, so he is battling Lunchbox for it. They are both willing to give him a few hundred dollars for the car, but Mike D will probably trade it in so he can get some more money.  

Lunchbox does not have a car right now so Morgan said she would drive him home after he did a podcast with her. Once they got done recording, she left without him, so he had to call his wife to come get him. Morgan admitted she purposely left without him because she didn’t want him to criticize her driving again. To get back at her, the next time she asks for him to be on her podcast, he’ll agree to it but won’t show up.