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Amy Had Scare After Mammogram Follow Up

A few weeks ago, Amy went in for a Mammogram and got her results back in a letter that said she needed to make another appointment because they found some dense tissue.

She called Raymundo’s wife who had breast cancer who told her it was normal, and it just meant they couldn’t see anything. She also got a call from them telling her she needed to make an appointment and they scheduled it for the next day. When she got there, she thought everything was good and it was just a checkup, but then the nurse got serious with her and told her they found a spot that wasn’t there that last year. They needed to get more pictures and needed to press down a lot harder than last time to make sure they could really see what they needed to.  

Both of her parents had cancer so she was triggered by anything that might be a concern in her body and while she was getting the tests done, she was fighting back tears. She also had to get an ultrasound done. Thankfully, they told her everything was good, and they’re not concerned! She is now going to be more thorough with her self-exams and checks up to make sure it does not become a problem!