Bobby Bones had his Comedically Inspirational Show at the Hard Rock in Tulsa, Oklahoma Friday night.
It’s where his wife, Caitlin is from so it felt like home, and it was a great time. After the show, Caitlin had some friends and family come backstage to celebrate. While back there, Bones was hanging out with them and there was a guy he did not recognize but thought it was a family member he never met. When they were leaving, he asked Bones for a selfie and thought it was weird for family to ask for a picture, but he took one. Then when Bones was cutting his cake, he gave him a piece and they ate together. He was there with them for an hour before he left, and no one knew who he was. Thankfully he didn’t steal anything!
The next day, Bones, Caitlin and her dad went to the Arkansas Razorbacks football game, and they lost really badly. Bones was embarrassed to have his father-in-law there to witness it, but they still had a great time!