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Eddie Embarrassed His Son During Homecoming Ride

Eddie’s son went to homecoming with two of his friends and they went out to eat beforehand. They split up driving amongst the parents, so his friend's parents were going to drop them off and Eddie and his wife were going to pick them up and take them to homecoming.  

Eddie texted them when he was outside the restaurant, and he thought it would be funny to act like he was an Uber driver. He only knew one of the friends he was with and asked them questions like if they were from Nashville or just visiting. His friends were in on the bit and were laughing and playing along. He even jokingly reminded them to tip on the app when he dropped them off. His friends liked it, but his wife and son were so embarrassed. When Eddie picked his son up later, he told him how embarrassed he was, but Eddie stated he was just having fun and declared he’s a fun dad. He hopes his son one day looks back and appreciates his dad joking and having fun with them.