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Bobby Bones Show Shares Most Unexplained Thing To Happen to Them

Photo: Moment RF

Members of The Bobby Bones Show shared the weirdest and most unexpected thing to happen to them. Find out below:  

  • Eddie – When he was in High School, he and his friends had CB radios in their cars to communicate with each other. In 1997 George Strait was playing a concert in Kingsville, Texas and he and his friends went and one of them drove. They were driving around all night and had the CB radio on but weren’t using it. They were stopped at a red light and out of nowhere the CB radio said, “I see you guys.” They turned it up and heard it say they saw them and called their car out. The person said they were by the car wash, but when they looked, no one was there. They sped away and the person kept saying they were following them, but they never saw a car or found out who it was. 
  • Lunchbox – When he was 11, he was hanging in his neighborhood with friends, and a white van started chasing them. They got to a part in their neighborhood where they had to cross a creek and there were two girls standing on the other side of the street. They were carrying schoolbooks and he had never seen them before, and he knew everyone in his neighborhood. It was 10 o’clock at night and at the same time they saw the white van they yelled “Oh Crap! It’s the white van,” and they both ran and never saw each other again. He still has no idea what happened.  
    • Lunchbox also saw a ghost at his friend's house in the middle of the night. He got up to go to the bathroom and as he was walking down the hall, a ghost pushed him into the closet, and it got really cold, and he couldn’t get out. He would see footprint indents on the carpet and hear the door unlocked. He said he can explain what happened there because the previous owners of the house had a four-year-old child who drowned in the pool in the backyard.  
  • Morgan – She got a ring notification that something was outside. She went to her front door and saw that something was flashing in the sky, and it was slowly moving in the sky until then it shot off. People told her it was the International Space Station, but she checked, and it was not in her area at that time. She thinks it possibly was an alien.  
  • Raymundo – When he was in 4th grade, his mom gave him a doll. His friend wanted to play with it outside, but Raymundo didn’t want to because if anyone saw him, he would be embarrassed. He saw five of the neighborhood girls hanging out and they ran away so they couldn’t see them with their dolls. At school he asked if they saw him, and they told him no they were staying at a different girl's house and weren’t in the neighborhood then. Looking back, he thinks it might have been hunters because they came over the ridge.  
  • Scuba Steve – He thinks he was once possessed by a ghost. When he was living on Nob Hill in San Francisco, it was a historical place where people died. While in his car he felt a rush of darkness and sad energy all over him and he couldn’t stop crying on his way to work. When he got out of the car, he felt a rush leave his body and he felt better. He thinks whatever was living in the building took over his body to get out of there and get into the atmosphere.  
  • Bobby Bones – He used to run the board at an A.M. radio station that would run St. Louis Cardinals baseball. While they were broadcasting the game, Bones got on the microphone and talked in a demonic voice asking why people were watching the game trying to scare them.  

Photo: Getty Images