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Lunchbox Upset With Wife Over NYE Situation

Lunchbox was angry at his wife because he said she ruined New Year's Eve/New Year.

It was 3 p.m. on New Year’s Eve when she started complaining that she didn’t feel good. She had body aches, her throat hurt and a fever. She looked and had white in her throat, laid down and napped. When she woke up, she felt worse and couldn’t get warm, even though she was wearing multiple sweatshirts and sweatpants. She went to bed and on midnight, there was no one there for Lunchbox to make out with, which ruined his New Year’s Eve. He thinks it’s a sign that 2024 will be a bad year. She had to go to Urgent Care and is still sick. She tested negative for the flu and COVID so they’re not sure what is wrong.