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Amy Tests Bobby on Signs You Are Healing That Aren’t So Obvious

Amy brought in a list of signs that show you are healing, but they aren't so obvious. She wanted to test Bobby Bones on the list since he's spent a good amount of time in therapy and working on his mental health.

Here are the list of signs and Bones' answers to each one!

  • You are quicker to notice when you're feeling off. Bones is able to notice a lot of things quicker than before, this one included.
  • “No” comes out a little easier when you need it to. He's never had an issue with saying no, so this one has always been easy for him.
  • You can pause before reacting emotionally. Bones said "oh yeah" to this one.
  • Old triggers feel a bit less intense. His triggers are feeling less intense lately, so yes.
  • Your inner critic’s voice isn't as loud or constant. Bones admitted he has a different critic now, like a new guy came in and now he has two critics instead of just one.
  • Alone time feels recharging rather than lonely. For Bones, alone time never felt lonely so this one hasn't changed much.
  • You’re more able to tolerate uncomfortable emotions without immediately trying to shut them down. He admitted he doesn't have uncomfortable emotions because he doesn't have emotions, to which Amy replied that this one is still a work in progress then.