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Bobby Describes His Most Ideal Massage Scenario

There's a big story right now about pro back scratchers who are making over $100 an hour just scratching people's backs instead of doing the usual massage.

Toni George is the owner of The Scratcher Girls in Miami and they charge $130 an hour to scratch using her 3-inch manicured nails just moving them down her clients' back, limbs scalp, and even the insides of their ears. This particular story caused Bobby Bones to open up about his dream massage scenario that involves 6 people.

He would be sitting in a chair with both of his legs in mid-stirup situation with a person massaging each of his feet. Then his hands would also be in stirrups and he would have a person rubbing each of his hands. He then would have a fifth person doing a scalp massage, but they are standing on something high so they can go straight down. Then he would have someone rubbing his shoulders.

The Bobby Bones Show crew joked that this would be him in like royal or roman empire territory to have something like this happen.