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Hobbies, Red Flags & Why Amy May No Longer Be Datable (5th Thing)

Next time something rubs you the wrong way, ask yourself: "Is this a red flag, or is it just something I don’t like?" Amy & Kat talk about how now not everything we call a red flag is actually a red flag. Sometimes, it’s more like an orange flag and it could turn red, sure, but it could also turn green!! Don't miss out on something awesome because of an ick! 

Speaking of red flags, Amy also opens up to Kat about her silly personality lately...she shares some very weird conversations she's been having lately and they wonder if Amy will be datable after all of this. 

A listener, Melissa, emailed us our quote: “Every time I think I have a new hobby it turns out I just like to buy stuff.”

Here's the Pottery Kitthat Kat was talking about! 



Amy Brown // // @RadioAmy

Kat Vanburen // @KatVanburen // @YouNeedTherapyPodcast //

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