Eddie the dad brought a few things happening in his parenting life lately.
He's considering lying to his kids because his kids already think he doesn't do anything. Whenever they get home from school, he's home and changed into comfortable clothes so they just assume he doesn't do anything during the day. One of his son's asked him several weeks ago to fix his four wheeler, but Eddie had been too busy and put it off. Well, when Eddie went out there he realized he just needed to plug in the battery, so he lied to his kid that he spent all day working on it to get it fixed. Now his kid thinks he's a super hero for fixing it rather than thinking he doesn't do anything all day.
Eddie also admitted that he wants to put a student driver sticker on his 17-year-old kids car because it will keep him safer. However, Bobby and Amy think it would be super embarrassing for a high schooler and his friends would likely make fun of him. However, Bobby thinks Eddie could threaten it that he will put the sticker on if another accident or something happens with the car.
Also recently, Eddie's son had a birthday party and they've been doing parties for years with their four kids. This recent birthday party Eddie was thinking about why they've never sent thank you cards to people who bring his kid's a gift. Bobby thinks that paying for the party is trade off for bringing a gift. But Eddie says we're encouraged to write thank you cards for every other party or event, why not birthday parties?